I really enjoyed Petra’s course about St Hildergard’s Healing Plants as she took us on a learning journey from the historical background of Hildergard’s life and put it into a context of how we can apply Hildergard’s teaching in everyday life. Petra taught us how to recognise the qualities of a handful of plants and how to use them to heal. The knowledge was very practical, from how to choose your healing plants, where to plant them, how to pick and dry them and then gave different formulas/recipes for different common ailments. I really enjoyed Petra’s passion in imparting this ancient wisdom and how she brought it into a practical context today. I knew nothing about Hildergard and her teachings before this course and Petra has not only given me some useful information, but has inspired me to find out more. I highly recommend Petra’s Healing Plants Basic Course to anyone who is interested to find out more.

Lily A.
If you want to be a part of the lineage of wise women using herbs take the course. It’s both practical and spiritual. And we want to honor Hildegard of Bingen, won’t we.

Rachel L.
I liked the course, I think is good to spread around Hildegard’s life and her healings remedies. I think that Petra knows a lot , she is prepared and nice person but I would improve the way how she communicate what she knows and acknowledge .Perhaps I felt a lack of ability to transmit/transfer her knowledge. In addition, I would add that I understand there are different kind of person on the course but I personally would prefer to go more deep on the topics because Petra is totally able to do it as I perceived her.

Christine P.
Hildegard is whole world of herself, this course helps you to have an overview of her method, so that when reading her advise, it started to make sense.

Jessica L.
I like that it was very basic, some thing I already knew… so depending on the knowledge on my friend regarding HvB I would give a dodder we answer. I think for beginners is very good. If you want a better testimonial I can happily do it

Michael R.
Basically you present the work in a very easy and understandable way. I believe a person must first be interested in Hildegards teachings and if that is so, then they won’t be put off by your approach as you explain it well and simple to understand.